Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Life in Virginia

So I know this is supposed to be about my crazy adventures in Honduras, but I thought it would be a good idea to write about my time at home.  Since I teach at a school that follows an American plan, we got two weeks off for Christmas, just like schools in the States.  I was so thankful to be able to go home during the break, because being away from my family and friends during this time of year would have been unbearable.  However, my visit home was absolutely wonderful and everyday was filled with spending time with Jeremy and my family.

Not a day went by that I did not have fun plans to go out, or stay in and just enjoy the Christmas season.  One of my favorite nights was when Jeremy and I went out on a double date with the Hubers.  We all hopped in the car and were trying to decide where to go to get dinner when Ms. Janet suggested that we go Port Arthurs, the Chinese restaurant in Newport News.  Jeremy then suggested Hayashi Hibachi, which is where they cook the food right in front of you.  I was a little skeptical and if I'm not mistaken, I don't think the Huber's were super excited about it either, but Jeremy convinced us that it was going to be amazing.  So we headed that way and boy were we in for a treat.  The atmosphere, food and company were wonderful.  The cook joked with us, we caught food in our mouths and left the restaurant completely stuffed. After dinner we enjoyed a leisurely ride looking at Christmas lights and chatting the whole way home. 

Other activities over the break included going to the Christmas play at church, making and decorating Christmas cookies (to look like people we know), going dress shopping with mom, watching Christmas movies, going Ice Skating, going out to dinner with the Pittmans and Riddicks, having a snowball fight, having a family gameday, making pancakes for my boyfriend, decorating the Christmas tree, going to the Christmas Eve service, playing Just Dance over and over, spending the night with Coopie, getting a free bike from Conte's, going for a run in the park, playing with Will and Reese, making homemade pizzas, falling asleep outside in a hammock, going shopping with Jeremy, and spending New Year's day at home with my family :)

If I went into detail about everything this blog would take forever, and quite frankly I'm a bit exhausted from two weeks of going to bed late, getting up early (because my body just won't sleep in), being busy everyday, and a day of traveling back to Honduras.

Things I learned over the past two weeks:

1. I love Jeremy.
2. There's no place like home.
3. My church family cares for me more than I can express.
4. I enjoy teaching in Honduras.
5. Having to stay home because of the snow is a good thing.
6. I love Jeremy.
7. Staying in Honduras for one year was a good decision.
8. I love Jesus more than when I left for Honduras in June.
9. Leaving Jeremy and my family is really hard.
10. I love Jeremy.
11. Mom and I don't really enjoy shopping, but we enjoy spending time together.
12. Crying can sometimes make things feel better.
13. I love my family and my family loves me.

Okay, so these aren't all things that I learned over the past two weeks, but they were definitely confirmed. 

I'm off to bed for now to catch up on some sleep. Spending time with the Crooks tomorrow! Back to life in Honduras.  I'll be sure to keep you posted on how things are going.  Thanks again for all of the prayers and support.  All of you who read about me, pray for me and give financially are greatly appreciated.  I really can't thank you enough for your love. 


  1. Skeptical? YES!! But one of the neatest dining experiences I have ever had - and best tasting! Miss you already, but was glad to steal you away for awhile. Thank you to you and Jermey for a special evening. Love you both!

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas vacation at home!

