Friday, August 13, 2010

It's All New

I made it safely into Tegucigalpa yesterday a little before noon.  It was a great flight and I actually met up with 3 other teachers going to International School and we got to ride beside each other on the plane from Atlanta to Tegucigalpa.  It made the flight enjoyable and calmed my nerves a bit to be able to get off the plane with people I felt comfortable with.  Getting to our house took a little while because we had to get all of the new teachers (23) all loaded up into the bus and then unload everyone at their own houses.  It was really cool getting to meet everyone since we are all in the same boat.

Our house is called "La Casa Verde" (The green house).  All of the house are brightly colored so the easiest way to refer to each teacher's house is by the color.  I live with 2 other new teachers, Jessica and Laura.  We were in the middle of unpacking yesterday when we all went outside to get lunch (KFC) from one of the administrators at the school.  The door shut behind us but luckily Laura had her key.  However, we tried and tried but were unable to open our door so we just decided to eat our lunch outside and then took a walk to visit some of the other teachers down the street.  Eventually we got back into our house (thanks to a veteran teacher who taught us how to open the door)!

I slept like a log last night and didn't even wake up once!  I was exhausted and it felt great to just sleep for 8 hours.  Also, having Ms. Bev's quilt to snuggle with made it much easier:-) I woke up this morning feeling very refreshed but the day was filled with meetings and getting to meet administrators and principals at IST.  I was able to go into my classroom, see my schedule and become more familiar with what and where I will be teaching.

After we left school we went shopping to get all the things we couldn't bring from home: Small shelves, a fan, sheets, and some food.  We went to a mall that had a store just like Wal-Mart.  There were tons of American brands and it really didn't feel that different from being back home.  However, it was a little confusing trying to speak to the Hondurans and pay with Lempira instead of dollars.  Something I'll have to get used to.

It's been only a short time since I've been in Honduras, but I am already starting to feel overwhelmed being in such a different culture.  Not being able to speak the language makes me feel pretty helpless but I'm sure time will heal that.  Hopefully tomorrow we will get to do a little bit of exploring around the city because right now I feel completely lost everywhere I go!

Goodnight. See you soon.

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