Thursday, August 19, 2010

Rainy Days

Not a day has gone by since I arrived in Tegucigalpa that it has not rained at some point.  Usually the dark clouds begin to roll in sometime in the afternoon and remain all night long.  I was also expecting to be sweating up a storm and drinking water 24/7.  I still drink lots of water, but it has actually been cooler here than it is at home.  I would say that the average temperature has been in the low to mid 80’s and it’s typically not very sunny.  Hopefully I brought enough warm clothes!

Ironically enough, as I am sitting here in my classroom right now, I am not sure I have ever witnessed such a severe thunderstorm.  As I was working at my desk, I watched out of my wall size windows (the view is amazing) the huge storm clouds begin to form and move in my direction.  The sound of the thunder in the distance gradually became louder and louder and I could actually see the rain coming across the mountains like a swarm of bee’s enveloping the city.  The crazy thing is that all day it has been sunny and warm, and in 10 minutes the hugest raindrops I’ve ever seen were pounding the school.  Unfortunately, my room has not one but three leaks (and they just put a new drop ceiling in this summer)!  Fortunately, all of the leaks are in areas that do not cause too much damage to my room besides making the floor all wet. 

On a good note, I actually got to meet a few students today.  Some of the senior girls were at school today helping out with the 6th grade orientation.  Their names are Paula, Ana, Karime and Scarlet.  (There was one more but I can’t remember her name) I will actually have Scarlet as a student in my Calculus class this year!  I was encouraged and relieved to see that they were very sweet and friendly girls.  Ever since I got the job at IST all I have heard about is how disrespectful and unruly the students are.  However, I now know that the students here are just like students in the States.  Of course there are going to be a few who will test my patience but overall they are good kids. 

Feeling more prepared today, and getting excited about starting on Monday!

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