Sunday, August 15, 2010


After a full weekend of exploring and getting to know Honduras a little better I am feeling much more at home.  There is so much still to learn and do, but I can't wait to try it all.  Here are a few of the things that I learned this weekend:

1. Colectivos are taxis that go from one location to another. Very cheap and (as far as I know) reliable.
2. Hondurans follow no traffic laws. Get out of the way or get run over!
3. Speaking Spanish is hard.
4. Plantains are a great appetizer.
5. Queso will bubble and begin to smoke if you don't eat it all and leave it over burning coals.
6. Tae-bo is a good cardio workout.
7. Having pictures on the wall of family and friends is very comforting.
8. It rains EVERYDAY during rainy season here.
9. Whether or not we speak the same language, we can still worship together.
10. God is God of every nation and tongue.
11. Taxi drivers will try to take advantage of "gringos" when it is dark and raining outside (and you just want to get home).
12. I live in Rio Grande, but I don't know how to tell a taxi driver to get to my house.
13. My housemate, Jess, can do a great "Minnesota" accent.
14. Skype is AMAZING!
15. God is Good All the Time, and All the time God is Good!
16. It's cooler up on the mountain.
17. Lifelong friends are just around the corner.

Tomorrow begins a week of orientation and really getting to know the school.  I can't wait to start preparing for my students and getting lessons ready! I'm pretty nervous about my first day of teaching but God is faithful and I know that He will use me (with all of my weaknesses and failures) to do whatever He wants me to do.

Learning to be moldable.

1 comment:

  1. Plaintains are good! And're a "gringo" haha Have you had mango juice yet?
