Tuesday, May 24, 2011

23 Days

In case you were wondering how I get to school every morning...
This bus (or one similar) comes to our house at 6:33am.  We usually can hear the engine roaring as it makes its way up our steep hill.  Once Laura or I hear it coming (Jess is usually still getting ready), we yell "Bus!".  Some mornings we are all ready and waiting outside before the bus arrives, but a typical morning goes a little something like this...

Laura makes her lunch and heads outside before the bus arrives.  I pour my coffee, eat my breakfast and usually have everything all together (but for some reason I can always find one more thing to do instead of going and waiting outside, like take out the trash or wash the dishes).  Jess, however, usually comes out of her room at 6:30, if we're lucky, and gets her lunch and breakfast ready as we yell "Bus!".  Sometimes she gets a little flustered, but for the most part we all make it work and somehow get out to the bus on time.  The bus drivers have graciously learned that it may be a few minutes for all of us to make it out, but they never complain (at least not in English!)

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