Sunday, May 8, 2011

39 Days

Happy Mother's Day! 

A few things I love about my mom...
1. She gives great advice
2. She's a fun/practical shopping partner
3. We have the same taste in movies and both love to lay in bed and watch them together
4. She supports me even when I want to move to another country
5. She gets really excited when I tell her anything about my life (even the boring things)
6. She has a knack for seeing what is going to happen before it does
7. She loves laying out by the pool/ beach with me
8. She cares more about my well-being than her own
9. She is an example of a Godly wife and mother
10. She usually knows what I'm thinking, and how I'm thinking it


  1. Counting the days until we will be able to enjoy 2, 3 and 7!! Thanks and love you too!

  2. A wonderful tribute to your Mom - truly fine lady, with a neat daughter!

  3. Mom I can't wait to do those things when we get home!!! I've missed spending time with you dearly!

  4. Your Mom is a sweet person. This is a nice tribute to her!
